Watching the Cenderawasih Bird Dance West Papua Tourism, Sawinggrai Village, Raja Ampat

Watching the Cenderawasih Bird Dance
West Papua Tourism, Sawinggrai Village, Raja Ampat

Sawinggrai Village is located in Meos Mansa District, Raja Ampat, West Papua. Travel to a village famous for its Cenderawasih performances

Sawinggrai village, located in the Meos Mansar district, Raja Ampat district, is one of the tourist villages in the Raja Ampat area. Besides being inhabited by 60 families, in the Sawinggrai village area there are also homestays at affordable prices. Interestingly, in Sawinggrai village there are Papuan orchids and the habitat of the Cendrawasih birds. No wonder then that the bird of paradise became an icon of the village of Sawinggrai

Where To Go

Sawinggrai village, we depart from the port of Waisai, the capital of Raja Ampat. Waisai-Sawinggrai distance can be reached in about 2-4 hours, using a speed boat. Apart from Waisai, Sawinggrai can also be reached by renting a fast boat from Mina Business Port, Sorong.

Ship Ticket Treasure

The cost of traveling from Waisai to Sawinggrai varies depending on the type of ship. "If you ride a community boat, it's Rp. 100 thousand, if you rent a fast boat, it's Rp. 500 thousand.

Enjoying the Bird of Paradise Dance

Sawinggrai village offers tours to see birds of paradise, birds of paradise from Papua, which always dance from one branch of the tree to the other, yes these birds dance in their natural habitat. Cenderawasih monitoring was carried out in the provided wooden houses. The village community has mapped the location of the dancing cenderawasih.

There are four types of paradise that can be seen in Sawinggrai, namely the red bird of paradise (Paradisaea rubra), the rattan-sliced ​​bird of paradise (Cicinnurus magfinicus), the small bird of paradise (Paradisaea minor), and the large bird of paradise (Paradisaea apoda).

During the mating season, male birds of paradise will perform dance-like movements to attract females. This attraction that everyone likes and enjoys is what makes the villagers participate in conserving and not hunting for paradise in their forest. This traditional village holds local wisdom which makes it special where they do not hunt wild paradise birds in this area. It is this local wisdom that enables the next generation to be expected to enjoy the exotic beauty of nature and the endemic fauna that are part of the ecosystem of the area.

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