Getting to know the Papuan Endemic Cassowary

Getting to know the Papuan 

Endemic Cassowary

Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) is a species of bird endemic to the region of Papua, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. This large bird is a land bird because this bird cannot fly and only walks using its long and big legs. This is because cassowaries have wings that are proportionally smaller than their bodies.

Papuan Cassowary Characteristics

This black-feathered bird has three species, namely the double-wrapped cassowary or southern cassowary (Southern Cassowary), the single-wave cassowary or northern cassowary (Northern Cassowary), and the dwarf cassowary. Dwarf cassowary is one of Indonesia's endemic animals, it can be found in the forests of Papua.
Generally, the weight of the cassowary ranges from 58 kilograms with a height of 1.5 meters. Among the three types that exist, the southern cassowary is the largest. This species is the third tallest and second heaviest bird in the world after the ostrich and the emu.
Southern Cassowary can have a height between 150-180 cm. The average weight of the female is 58.5 kg, while the male is around 29-34 kg. Some female southern cassowaries can even reach two meters in height.
Meanwhile, the dwarf cassowary is the smallest species with a height between 90-150 cm and a weight between 17.6-26 kg.
Cassowary feathers are different from other bird feathers. His fur is black like human hair. By the Papuan people, the fur is used as a headdress or as a noken decoration.
Beneath its fur is the same bright blue skin as on its neck and head. The red color of the pattern on the nape of the neck is the same as the wattle.

Papuan Cassowary Breeding

Cassowaries reproduce by laying eggs. Cassowary eggs are green and weigh about 650 grams. Cassowaries only have one egg during the laying period. The female cassowary spends two months incubating and guarding the eggs. After hatching, cassowary chicks develop very quickly. For nine months, this cassowary cub will be looked after and raised by a male Cassowary.
Cassowary is a bird that is active during the day. In their natural habitat, cassowaries are often seen exploring the forest with their partners and cubs. Even so, sometimes it is also seen walking alone because the male parent is incubating the eggs.

During the mating season, the male cassowary will express his feelings by approaching the female in circles and then flapping his wings. If the female cassowary accepts it, the male will continue to follow her everywhere. But if rejected, the female cassowary will immediately expel the male.

Papuan Cassowary Daily Food

Cassowaries eat fruits that fall from trees. This bird is a forest greening agent because the seeds from the fruit that are eaten will be released back with the feces, then grow into new plants. Therefore, it is important to preserve this bird population.

The Story of a Dutch Sailor With a Cassowary

Dutch sailors brought the first cassowary to Europe in the late 16th century. There, the cassowary received special treatment because it was kept in the private zoo owned by King Rudolph II.

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